SEO Training in the U.K.

Updated on April 15th, 2024 at 10:16 pm

There is no secret or mystery to effective SEO. Hard work, testing, practice and patience is normally enough to begin seeing performance increases.

If SEO is your business priority and you, your key stakeholders and front end teams are interested in learning more about SEO then our SEO training course can help.

How We Help Your Teams Learn SEO

We cover SEO topics specific to your business;

  • year on year performance analysis so you can see where and how to improve
  • technical SEO training focused on best practices for optimum SEO performance
  • content creation, content quality and content optimisation
  • real insights into your business website with a personalised website audit for your business
  • opportunity analysis and future priorities for your business
  • where your competitors are winning; link building, content strategy and development and technical website optimisation
  • page speed & website performance improvements and how to audit core web vitals.

Specific presentations are best coupled with a bespoke website SEO audit so we can fully understand your site today. We’ll then produce a presentation to help explain our critical findings to your teams.

Alternatively, we can cover a broader more generic SEO best practice topics like;

  • the importance of content and why it’s more than just the words on the page
  • gaining links to rank and how to do so from sites that matter
  • site speed; optimisations & best practice
  • technical SEO best practice with examples of how and where this can go wrong

The broader concept presentation and more generic topics can be better for websites new to market or businesses which have very little SEO experience within the teams.

Contact us if you’re unsure what your business needs and we can discuss a presentation style that could help you and your teams.

SEO Clearly Explained

We explain SEO in clear, simple and easy to understand way. Which will help all of your colleagues, teams and key stakeholders that work on the website to gain a clear picture of what matters and how success is achieved.

We create SEO presentations that are fun, engaging and not filled with heavy technical jargon (although some technical topics are covered, we will ensure that it is explained in an audience-appropriate way).

These presentations are offered as an educational service and not something that is intended to highlight the mistakes of teams or individuals within the business. However, where fixes are needed we will find them and identify the best possible way to ensure accuracy is achieved ongoing by setting up a reliable process that allows stakeholders to progress quickly and efficiently.

Our ultimate aim with our educational days is to help get everyone within your organisation as excited about SEO as we are and ensure your business is set up to win in SEO going forward.

How our SEO Training is Structured

Book Search Natural for a digital or in person training day and we will provide the following tailored, bespoke insights for your business:

  • a full detailed SEO audit, specific to your website(s), here’s a taster of what’s included in an SEO audit
  • A customised presentation, so you and your key stakeholders can fully understand the key points from the audit and identify the biggest opportunities for your website
  • Presentations also include details of technical issues facing your website(s), what the issues are and why they matter to your organic search performance
  • Q&A session directly following the presentation, giving you and your stakeholders the chance to ask SEO questions and test our knowledge out on the spot
  • We’re also able to provide examples of tasks we’d recommend you tackle first, based on the audit findings to help you strategically plan you organic search efforts.

All accompanying audit data; lists, spreadsheets, reports and graphs will also be provided once the day is complete.

Once the presentation is complete we can also:

  • Run a hands on SEO workshop helping you and your stakeholders understand the specific process behind critical SEO elements like;
    • keyword research
    • content creation
    • link building
    • technical SEO
    • auditing
    • on page optimisation
    • any other specific areas of SEO you’re interested to learn more about.

Workshops can be flexible and run for groups or individuals in your business to relevant detail level for teams involved.

What is Included in our SEO Training

Here’s a handy infographic which explains what is included in a Search Natural SEO training session.

SEO training for your business: what is included?

Who Can Benefit from SEO Education Presentations?

We’ve found this service to be incredibly useful for businesses who want to;

  • enterprise businesses who want expert SEO training from an experienced enterprise SEO consultant
  • guarantee their SEO strategy is best in class
  • businesses who’ve had an audit but are unsure how to execute suggested changes
  • large organisations with multiple teams, stakeholders and personnel who can impact SEO performance
  • digital agencies or businesses looking to offer SEO as a paid service
  • understand how to fix the critical technical issues which can affect your website performance
  • generate leads with no direct associated cost
  • encourage leads and conversions from “free” organic search traffic away from a reliance on PPC which has high direct costs associated.
  • recover SEO traffic as quickly as possible after a drop

We’ve delivered presentations to rooms of over 200 people (plus a few more dialling in remotely) on the importance of SEO, current & year on year performance and what the business should focus on for the future.

Published on: 16/07/2019

About Ben

Ben is the founder and SEO director of Search Natural. He spent 8 years working in SEO at some of the biggest comparison sites in the UK before setting up his own business to work as an SEO specialist with clients around the world.
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